Turn Telehealth, Hospital at Home Into a Revenue Generator
Date & Time
Thursday, October 5, 2023, 10:35 AM - 11:15 AM
Sarah Poncelet Jeffrey Sattler

This panel will explore how health systems can leverage telehealth and hospital-at-home programs to generate revenue. With the pandemic driving the widespread adoption of telehealth, there is a growing opportunity for health systems to expand their offerings and explore new revenue streams. The panel will discuss the challenges and opportunities of telehealth and hospital-at-home programs, strategies for creating a sustainable revenue model, and successful case studies from health systems that have implemented these programs. Attendees will gain insights into how to transform telehealth and hospital-at-home into a revenue generator for their organizations.

Location Name
Room 301-304
Session Type
Moderated by
Mackenzie Bean, Assistant Vice President and Managing Editor, Becker's Healthcare